Immediate Loading of Dental Implants

How Long Should You Have to Wait Before You Receive New Teeth?
The overall elapsed time between surgery and receiving new teeth may impact your decision to pursue dental implant treatment. Traditional dental implants used to take as long as 6 months from the actual implant surgery to the point of placing the crown, bridge or denture. If you needed a bone graft, an additional 6 months might have been added to your overall elapsed time. Now there are alternatives to reduce the elapsed time.

Reducing the Wait Time For New Teeth
Thankfully, newer methods of dental implant treatments have greatly reduced elapsed time. In fact, most people are able to have their dental implants placed and loaded on the very same day! This eliminates the months of waiting time associated with other implant therapies.

Computer Guided Dental Implant Placement
Knowing the best location to place your implants can reduce elapsed time. It can also prevent the need for bone grafts. Chrysalis Dental Centres uses CT technology to identify the best areas of bone to support your implants. With the right optimal areas identified, you can choose to have your implants loaded immediately.

Immediate Loading of Dental Implants
What are immediate load dental implants? These are implants that are placed and restored at the very same appointment. After the implant is installed, your crown, bridge or denture is attached during the same visit. Immediate loading prevents the need for you to go about without teeth while you recover.

Benefits of Immediately Loading Dental Implants
Having your implants restored at your surgical placement greatly reduces elapsed time. For one, there is no long wait period between different stages of dental implant therapy. The entire process is completed right then and there in just a few hours.

If you are having an extraction, we can still place the implants on the same day. Once again, this greatly reduces the elapsed time until you receive your teeth.

Immediate Loading of Dental Implants Speed Recovery Time
Soft gingival tissues respond better around implants that are immediately loaded. They do not have the lapse in time to creep away from the missing tooth. This helps keep gum tissues natural looking around your new implant prosthesis.

If you are missing all of your teeth, an immediately loaded implant denture is ideal for recovery. The weight of your bite is distributed across the different implants. Because we use CT technology, you can expect optimal implant support.

Call Chrysalis for Same Day Dental Implants
Our patients have an easier time managing dental implants that are immediately loaded. There are fewer visits, maintenance steps, and less discomfort. What used to take up to 18 months with a bone graft, surgery, recovery and restoration can now take just one appointment.

Find out how the implant providers at Chrysalis Dental Centres can help you shorten your elapsed time . Call us today to schedule a consultation 1 888 733-6983!





Dental Implants – a brief history lesson re: titanium


Dental Implants and Titanium – a brief history lesson

Most modern dental implants are made of titanium. Since the 1960s, titanium dental implants have come a long way! Titanium was first discovered to be a very biocompatible metal. Biocompatible materials can be used in surgical treatments because of how well the body reacts to them. What made it so different than other types of medical grade materials? Titanium encourages a process called osseointegration.

What is Osseointegration?

Osseointegration takes place when new bone develops around the titanium implant. The bone then fuses with and integrates into the rigid surface of the dental or medical implant. Titanium naturally encourages new bone growth – rather than loss. This strengthens  the jaw and structurally secures the implant. Once osseointegration occurs, the implant is usually permanently fixed into the jaw.

It was inside of a rabbit that osseointegration was first observed. In 1952, Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark of Sweden experimented and found that titanium permanently fused with the bones of the rabbit. It was impossible to remove. Just 5 years later, Brånemark used titanium as a dental implant on a human patient for the first time. That patient’s titanium dental implant lasted over 40 years!

The Very First Dental Implants

The first types of dental implants were a trial and error process. Instead of the slim, single root design that we use now – they were much larger. In fact, some types of dental implants were more like a large blade or net that was placed over the jawbone.

Modern streamlined implants offer superb treatment outcomes, with less invasive procedures. In most cases, the implant root is about the same size as a real tooth root.

To improve the osseointegration process, some implants undergo surface treatments. This involves sandblasting, etching or application of materials to improve treatments. The success rate of dental implants is now extremely high. In fact, it is higher than other types of tooth replacement treatments. Most titanium dental implants have a success rating of 94% or higher.

What Kinds of Teeth Do Dental Implants Support?

The beauty of titanium dental implants is how durable they are. An implant can support more weight than a natural tooth. This makes it possible to support both small and large prostheses.

Implants are used to anchor restorations like:

  • Porcelain Dental Crowns
  • Dental Bridges
  • Full Mouth Dentures

As few as 4 to 6 implants can support a full upper or lower implant denture. There is no need to have an implant for each tooth.

Titanium dental implants have undergone a tremendous transformation compared to what they started as thousands of years ago! Early types of tooth replacement included everything from shells to bone. Even wires and ivory have been known to hold false teeth into place. In just the past 50+ years, implants have done an about-face. With titanium dental implants, you can usually enjoy permanent teeth for life.

How can dental implants change your smile? Call Chrysalis Dental Centres to schedule a consultation. We’ll let you know what tooth replacement options are right for you. Find out more about how dental implants can help you smile again!

Call 1 888 733-6983